ジェナ・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(jennajohnson) - 8月30日 02時23分

During pregnancy and while breast feeding I didn’t put any limitations on what I was eating because food was LIFE 🤤 I was always hungry (and so was my growing baby) and I wanted to make sure I was producing enough nutrients and energy for both of us… and satisfying my cravings simultaneously :)

Once I stopped breastfeeding, I realized I had created some unhealthy eating habits and decided I wanted to focus on my internal health a bit more.

I decided I was going to steer away from processed sugar and try to eat natural nutritious foods instead. I wanted to make sure I approached this in the most realistic/healthy way so I made sure that I was eating filling portions with lots of protein. I started to fall in love with meal prepping, loved the feeling of waking up and not feeling bloated, and saw instant benefits in my skin as well. I didn’t make any other changes! I’ve actually been pretty bad at going to the gym (mom life) but was shocked to see & feel these changes by simply being more intentional with what was going into my body.

My body has truly taken care of me and my precious baby this past year and I’m glad I can now return the favor and take care of it 🩵


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



