Camille Charriereのインスタグラム(camillecharriere) - 7月21日 02時34分

It’s been a year since @francoislarpin & I found out that we would struggle to conceive naturally and embarked on the so called ivf 'journey'. Turns out its not so much a journey, more like being stuck in the worst traffic jam, where the people around you are honking from all sides for you to kEeP f**iNg mOvlnG, whilst you remain firmly at a standstill.

This feeling of sudden halt has been the most emotionally exhausting of my life, and i have found it hard to articulate why. Perhaps because you are grieving the fact you will not be able to conceive a child the fun way, whilst still feeling lucky to have a partner to go down this road with in the first place. The cost is also a scary factor -financial, but also time wise, plus there are no guarantees.

For us, the ivf process has moved at glacial pace (its worse since brexit as there’s a drugs shortage in the UK), which is increasingly alarming as you get told repeatedly that the clock is ticking. A year on, we havent managed to freeze a single embryo. It’s been very distressing to put our hearts and energy into a pathway that has led only to dead ends.

I truly believe in having these things out in the open because i'm convinced sharing our stories is what helps us overcome that feeling of loneliness. IVF is a brutal, emotional and physically taxing journey yet i am told repeatedly by loved ones to “just relax it will happen when you stop stressing about it”. Trying not to stress is so stressful. The truth is its been really tough feeling this isolated from normal life; the sense of loss has been like none before. I write this with no real update for you, besides the fact the hormones have made me feel crazy all year (the thing they don’t mention when you sign up for this is how much time you will spend playing The Sims to take the edge off).

I know so many of us have had to take this road (blows my mind how many messages i got from women going through the same thing) and yet it feels like such a lonely journey (i hate that word).

Thinking of anyone also dealing with fertility struggles. It sucks, hang in there. And to the rest of you: might be worth looking into egg freezing: that clock is a real bitch!


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