イザベル・ルーカスのインスタグラム(isabellucas) - 5月15日 06時04分

I’ve been reflecting on something my friend @samanthaneal_ shared with me about celebrating our cyclical nature and cleaning…

She shares, ‘My teacher Moana Pearl once told me, “Witches didn’t use their brooms for flying. They used it for cleaning because they understood energy.” Cleaning is about circulation and circulation is vital for life to flow.
Cleaning has traditionally been within the domain of women’s work and so unsurprisingly, it has been relegated to ‘grunt work’ or something we must drag our feet in doing. Let us not be fooled into believing this story. There is a sacred art and graceful purpose to cleaning. In tending to the space that holds us, we too are better held.’ - @samanthaneal_

While I love ticking off my to-do-list, there is so much wisdom right here, right?
Do you feel, in our fast pace culture, it can actually be more expansive and optimising to be in spaces that integrate our need for reflection, rest and our deeper rhythms?

#cyclical #rhythm #cleaning #witches 🧹 #optimise #expand #rest
📷 thank you @conduit_zaicew


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