タイラー・ブラケットのインスタグラム(tblackett24) - 2月11日 01時17分

Frustration, tired, hurt alot of shit but whatever you want to call it. I have that in me right now towards the game, towards people, wether that be 'managers', agents, family, friends, even myself. In actual fact mostly myself because im the common denominator right? We are in control of our selves and what we do to some extent. Our own destiny??? (Or are we? - different conversation)

You only lose when you quit. So I will always keep going. But no longer are the days of hiding behind a phone or microphone not expressing what truly needs to be expressed and can be in the best form.

I love people to be the maximum version of their character. I love to see it and be around people who are that so why would I hide mine...

Life is amazing by what we experience and go through. We don't realise that it is tailor made to our own individual journey and what is set out for your sole purpose. What I have experienced and endured has given me clarity and alot of awareness.

How do you then apply it? Well first its only applied if you are tuned in and in touch with your life itself rather the distortion and deceit the plays out in front of you.

But im in tune. And it will be applied in due course to its fullest extent. But I say all that to say - stay the course. For you but for me too. And it took me reading pieces of others stories to understand that the most important one that I read was my own. And out loud!



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