タイ・ダラー・サインのインスタグラム(tydollasign) - 5月19日 05時27分

Everyone needs to be up on and talking about saving soil because it’s the #1 environmental issue we face and it’s dire.

In 50 years there will be no more soil to grow anything (not just fresh veggies but corn and wheat that make all the world’s processed foods). No food means war, chaos and no more life.

Share this video with your communities and followers- we need to get the word out. Repost or link to the video file is in my bio.

Watch the Save Soil video to learn about it and share it with people. Everyone needs to be up in this so we can get control before it’s too late. We only have a few more years to turn this around so it’s a 911 situation.



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




