ジェレミー・テンのインスタグラム(jeremyjten) - 2月22日 14時17分

I don’t know who’s more transfixed on the sparkler in the cake, my nephew or I...

What a difference a year makes. On this day exactly 1 year ago, I was in Columbus, Georgia performing in what we didn’t know at the time, would be our final show with Cirque Du Soleil’s Axel. My cast and I would all head home for our 2 week break before embarking on the third leg of tour only to find out that we wouldn’t be returning at all due to Covid:19.
For 6 months I sat around my apartment playing games on my Switch, attempting to sharpen my cooking skills, trying to motivate myself with at home workouts and yoga sessions via YouTube, and just waiting for something to just happen. Obviously nothing ever did.
It wasn’t until October that I decided that I wasn’t going to sit around and let a pandemic derail my life so I took the plunge and I enrolled into the Real Estate trading services course at UBC’s Sauder School of Business. After 4.5 months of late nights and intense non-stop studying, I sat down for my real estate exam this past Wednesday and I passed.
I don’t know what the future holds for me but one thing that I do know is that you’re never too old to chase your dreams and I’d rather take the shot and miss, than not take the shot at all.
Although adulthood can be overwhelming at times and even scary, as clearly shown in this picture, I’m always going to be a kid at heart.

#32 #BirthdayBoy


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