アンジー・ペインのインスタグラム(angelajpayne) - 10月6日 11時32分

An album of creepy crawlers for today’s #macromondayfun. I’m so excited to have an excuse to post tons of bug photos, because I usually hold back on sharing them. I’m even breaking the 4 photo limit that @devoderby and I originally set (sorry 😬) because I just LOVE BUGS. Generally speaking, most people don’t share the same affection for them, and I get that. Honestly, before I became consumed by my macro obsession, I didn’t care for bugs much either. But slowly I’ve fallen in love with them through the lens — their colors, behaviors and fascinating anatomy. Some of these shots are repeats, some are new. So, enjoy this collection of some bug photos from over the years. Still waiting to fall in love with ticks...but not holding my breath on that one.

Apologies in advance to @アレックス・ジョンソン, who will undoubtedly unfriend me for posting so many spider shots at once.

#macro #macrophotography #macromondayfun #creepycrawlers


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